divendres, 11 de maig del 2018


Bon dia Porxer@s!

Avui us proposem un recull de llibres molt populars en anglès per gaudir llegint en aquesta llengua des de ben petits. De ben segur que us ho passareu molt bé!

-         Room on the Broom. Autor: Julia Donaldson

-          The Gruffalo. Autor: Julia Donaldson

-          Giraffes can’t dance. Autor: Giles Andreae

-          How to Catch a star. Autor: Oliver Jeffers
-          The way back home. Autor: Oliver Jeffers

-          Aliens Love Underpants! Autor: Claire Freedman

-          Charlie and the chocolate factory. Autor: Roald Dahl

-          Never tickle a tiger Autor: Pamela Butchart

-          What the Ladybird Heard. Autor: Julia Donaldson

-          The very hungry caterpillar. Autor: Eric Carle

-          The day the crayons quit. Autor: Drew Daywalt

-          We all go travelling by. Autor: Sheena Roberts

-          We are going on a bear hunt. Autor: Michael Rosen

-          A taste of the moon. Autor: Michael Grejniec

-          The little red hen.

-          The Gingerbread man. Autor: Alan Mcdonald

-          The three little pigs. Ladybird first favorite tales.

-          Gulliver in Lilliput.

 Llama Llama Red Pajama. Autor: Anna Dewdney